If you could change from your current industry to another one, what industry would you choose? Nowadays, many people are considering changing their jobs but how does one go about doing that? The most common limiting belief for people trying to make this move is that they have no choice but to stay in the same industry. Guess what? They're wrong! People are transitioning to entirely different industries more commonly than ever! How are they doing it? How can you do it? How can you use the skills and experience you've accumulated in a totally different industry? How can you highlight their usefulness and attractiveness to potential employers?
In this club, we'll talk about making a move that can change your life and open doors you may have never thought were available. We'll look at previous cases of people transitioning to different industries successfully. We'll learn tips and practices to use what you have to get what you may have thought you could never achieve. We'll look at it from the point of view of employees making the move as well as that of employers who hire from different industries. We'll talk about how to learn about new industries, network, and even about ways to pick up new skills along the way. Let's learn, share, discuss, and have a transformative conversation!